misheard wrote in mafdet_icons Feb 21, 2010 18:00
melty blood, fate/stay night, persona 4, *icons, fire emblem 10, detective conan, riviera: the promised land, fate/hollow ataraxia
misheard wrote in mafdet_icons Dec 30, 2009 01:02
silver chaos, fate/extra, fate/stay night, drama drama duck, persona 4, *icons, detective conan, riviera: the promised land, fate/hollow ataraxia
misheard wrote in mafdet_icons Oct 04, 2009 15:18
clannad, melty blood, fate/stay night, fire emblem 9, kagetsu tohya, *icons, detective conan, fire emblem 10, riviera: the promised land, magic kaito
misheard wrote in mafdet_icons May 24, 2009 15:12
battle moon wars, *icons, fate/tiger colosseum upper, fire emblem 10, fate/stay night, riviera: the promised land, fate/hollow ataraxia
misheard wrote in mafdet_icons Feb 21, 2009 20:50
tsukihime, pokemon, melty blood, dr. horrible's sing-along blog, fire emblem 9, fate/unlimited codes, *icons, riviera: the promised land
misheard wrote in mafdet_icons Feb 14, 2009 20:14
star control 2, *icons, super smash bros. brawl, fate/zero, fate/stay night, riviera: the promised land, fate/hollow ataraxia
misheard wrote in mafdet_icons Jan 17, 2009 16:43
*icons, yggdra union, fire emblem 10, fate/stay night, riviera: the promised land, fate/hollow ataraxia
misheard wrote in mafdet_icons Jan 07, 2009 20:09
*icons, yggdra union, fate/stay night, riviera: the promised land
misheard wrote in mafdet_icons Dec 26, 2008 16:01
fate/unlimited codes, *icons, fire emblem 10, fate/stay night, riviera: the promised land, dynasty warriors 6, fate/hollow ataraxia
misheard wrote in mafdet_icons Nov 11, 2008 20:14
silver chaos, tsukihime, fate/zero, fate/stay night, kagetsu tohya, *icons, fate/tiger colosseum upper, black cat, fire emblem 10, riviera: the promised land, air